Hellsichtige Aurasysteme Beratung und online kaufen | © Blaubeerwald Shop

Clairvoyant AURA-Systems


"Clairvoyance for aura-blind!"

- Since 1992 the best professional aura systems on the market
- Over 5 years of research and development of biofeedback and 
  Computer specialists together with clear-sighted media 
- Effective and real aura representations live in real time 
- The optimal system for visualization and observation 
  the psycho-energetic areas of the human (and animal) body
- Suitable for therapeutic work in holistic areas
- Simple operation and mobile use 
- Internationally proven in use around the world
- Ongoing development and upgrades

We have been working with the Inneractive company and its aura systems since 1995. Based on our 20 years of experience and thousands of personal aura sessions, we can guarantee their practical effectiveness and quality!

With the aura systems of Inneractive you too can see your own aura and the aura and chakras of your fellow human beings live and in motion. You can observe the energetic world of yourself or your clients and patients, see what they think and feel, what inner psychic energy qualities they generate, how they react to questions, specific topics or healing treatments and energetic means, and thus can help you in an optimal way.

In addition, you can learn with these aura systems and teach others how to consciously control, change and finally master your aura and the energy flow of the chakras.

The aura systems have a full and half-body aura display with additional graphics and options (mental activity, emotional measurement, energy level measurement, polarity balancing, a separate chakra program, 20 different individual expressions in 19 different languages, etc.).

The Inneractive Aura Systems offer optimal support for all therapeutic, healing and mind-expanding activities; ideal for healers, seminar leaders, manufacturers of energy products, etc.


The following aura systems are currently available

Die AURA-VIDEO-STATION 7 Basic verfügt über verschiedene Aura-Programme:


The AURA-VIDEO-STATION 7 Basic has various aura programmes:

· The Aura-In-Motion program: shows the superficial aura layers in a full body display with 6 additional graphics

· The Aura-Photo-Program: additionally offers a deep-layered half-body representation, which can show deeper areas of the inner, hidden energy qualities of the human being.

· The Chakra Program: The Aura System has an additional Chakra Program, which shows the size of the aura, its balance and main colour, as well as the activity and harmony of the individual chakras in detail and in real time.

· The Graphic Program: With this program you can observe the individual graphics in a running display and perceive the smallest changes in the psycho-energetic areas.

· The Aura-Report Programwith which you can print out INDIVIDUAL Aura-Reports (Microsoft Word) at the push of a button, with full and half body photo, all graphics, the meaning of the different aura colours and areas, up to 23 pages in 15 different languages. Of course, these can be extended with your personal additions and notes.


Die AURA-VIDEO-STATION 7 Pro verfügt neben den Aura-Programmen der Basic-Version noch zusätzlich über 3 besondere Aura-Programme


In addition to the aura programs of the Basic version, the AURA-VIDEO-STATION 7 Pro also has 3 special aura programs

· The Reiki Tips Program: This allows you to view the combined aura and energy values of two different people
(combination of client & healer, partners, parents & children etc.)  

· The Dog-Auras Program: With this program you can measure the auras and energy values of dogs and present them live.
Of course also with Aura-Report for printing

· The Cats-Auras Program: With this program you can measure and display live the auras and energy values of cats.
Of course also with Aura-Report for printing


World novelty 3D!


The brand new IE AURACLOUD 3D shows the aura and the chakras for the first time in 3D mode, and features the following aura programs:

· The Aura-SIM-Program shows the aura and the chakras for the first time in a 3D representation that can be rotated all around, with the 7 chakras both on the front and the back of the body, with many different options to control the representation.

· The Aura-VID-Program additionally offers a deep-layered half-body representation, which can show deeper areas of the inner, hidden energy qualities of the human being.

· The Aura-GRAPH-Program: Different graphics allow you to simultaneously receive further psycho-energetic information live: The dynamics of the 7 chakras (see Chakra Program AVS7), the energy distribution in the 4 bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), the energy distribution Yin & Yang (female, male), as well as the presentation as a live stream.

· The Aura-WAVE-Program: Through this graphic you can see the steady dynamics of the energy flow emitted by the client (intense high, strong harmonic or weak waves).

· The Aura-SCRIPT-Program, with which you can see the meaning of the aura colours on the screen and also print out INDIVIDUAL aura reports at the push of a button, with full and half body photo, all graphics, the meaning of the different aura colours and areas, up to 23 pages in 15 different languages.

· 3D with enhanced resolution: Offers patients and healers extended possibilities to analyze differentiated aspects of the aura with zoom and from different angles.

· The CLOUD-Interface: You and your customers can view the aura readings online at any time and from anywhere in the world. It allows remote access to reports anywhere in the world, plus convenient backup and restore of saved sessions.

· The Windowfunctions: The respective program windows can be moved and positioned freely on the screen, so that when you start IE AURACLOUD 3D, your individual view is opened and the programs you want to work with. Offers more flexibility to arrange the applications according to your personal taste.

Anwendungsbereiche Benutzen Sie die Aura-Systeme in Ihrer therapeutischen Arbeit

Areas of application

Use the aura systems in your therapeutic work:
- To define the ACTUAL state (diagnosis)
- To recognize problems and also skills on the 
  energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual level
- To accompany the treatment, healing session and consultation
- For testing and finding the individual remedy
- To observe the healing process over several sessions
- To show the short- and long-term changes
· - To show the short- and long-term changes

· Aura-Scan: See the aura in its natural dynamics live on the screen. Recognize the different qualities of your multidimensional areas of life or those of your clients and patients...
Observe the effect of...
... thoughts, feelings, mantras, etc.
... Music, meditations, healing treatments etc.
... Gemstones, energy products, tachyons etc.
... Medicines, homeopathic remedies, essences, etc.
and find just the right thing for your individual aura type.

· Aura-Reading: As an "Aura-Blinder" you can now also help your clients, patients and friends to become more aware of themselves; you can show them their aura, recognize reactions live and thus give targeted and effective help.

· Therapy observation: Due to the flexible application you can also observe the aura during your treatments: During massages, Cantor Holistic Touch (www.cantorholistictouch.de), Shiatsu, Reiki, foot reflex, autogenic training, cranio sacral, hypnosis, psychoanalysis and much more.

· Aura-Mastery: Through real-time aura biofeedback, you can learn to direct and master your energies to achieve a more conscious, healthier and successful life.
Learn which thoughts, feelings, techniques or techniques to use to strengthen your
aids really support you, and observe you regularly and
as often as you want the quality and dynamics of your own aura.

· Aura-Seminars: Bring other people closer to the subtle worlds. What is the aura, what is it good for at all, how can it be changed and mastered, how to create inner beauty, what does aura healing or aura wellness mean and much more.

· Aura-Photo: Print full & half body photos of the aura and the chakras in A4 and postcard format.

· Aura-Report: You can print out an individual aura report of up to 23 pages in 15 different languages at the push of a button without interrupting the session. In it, the individual aura values (head, heart, left and right side, energy levels) are explained in their individual meaning, and the behaviour of his aura type in different areas of life (mind/body, social, relationships and intimacy, career and finances, health and development) is explained.

· Aura-File: Save the aura sessions as a file of unlimited length. This allows you, for example, to follow the healing process of your patients over a longer period of time and to recall them at any time.

· Aura-Video: Record the aura sessions as video with image and sound and burn them on DVD so that you or your clients can watch the sessions again at any time.

· Live aura colour interpretation: The meaning of the current predominant aura colour can be displayed on the monitor below the aura and read directly by the client as an interpretation aid.

Who do the aura systems support?

Thanks to the INNERACTIVE aura systems you immediately have a 100% view of what is going on in the psychological and energetic areas of your clients. You can see his energy body and chakras live and in real time and receive important information about his different areas of life thanks to the detailed graphics.

In particular, you win new clients with the Aura System, as more and more people want to see their own aura live in motion! 
And you also support the holistic enlightenment, in which you can credibly convey to your fellow human beings that each person actually creates an aura, and that there is more than just the body and material reality!

Seminarleiter & Therapeuten & Heiler
Seminar leaders & therapists & healers

No matter what kind of seminars, healing sessions or consultations you give, the Inneractive Aura-System helps you to visibly demonstrate the success of your work to everyone. Place the participants repeatedly at the Aura-System to show them how effective your seminars are.


Inneractive Aurasysteme für Seminarleiter & Therapeuten & Heiler
In this way you also consolidate the success with your participants.
In this way you can show other people how to master their energies, their feelings and thoughts and thereby dynamically change their lives for the better.


Die optimale Unterstützung für: Psychologen, NLP-Praktiker, Hypnose-Therapeuten, Bioresonanz-Therapeuten, holistische Ärzte, Heilpraktiker, Akupunktur, Reiki- und Geistheiler, Masseure und BodyWorker, Shiatsu, Touch-for-Health, Mental- und Energietrainer, Lebensberater u.a.
The optimal support for
: Psychologists, NLP practitioners, hypnosis therapists, bioresonance therapists, holistic doctors, alternative practitioners, acupuncturists, Reiki and spiritual healers, masseurs and bodyworkers, Shiatsu, Touch-for-Health, mental and energy trainers, life consultants, etc.


Fachgeschäfte & Heilungszentren Das Inneractive Aura-System ist die Attraktion für Ihre Kunden.
Specialist shops & healing centres

The Inneractive Aura System is the attraction for your customers. You increase your brand awareness and your sales.
Additionally you can give your customers optimal advice, test essences, gems, tachyons etc. and show them the healing effects in their aura directly on the screen. Sell aura photos, aura reports and aura videos. The interest in literature about the aura, about healing methods etc. will increase.



Aussteller auf Gesundheits- und Esoterik-Messen
Exhibitor at health and esotericism fairs

With the Inneractive Auravisions-System you are the sensation at every trade fair. Offer aura readings, sell aura reports and videos, and effectively and dynamically demonstrate your healing power or that of your products. Ideal advertising materials and presentations help you to make your stand unique.


Hersteller von energetischen Produkten
Manufacturer of energetic products

Observe the effect of your products and demonstrate them live in the aura of your customers. Ideal for presentations, trade fairs and customer consultations. With the Aura System you can even record your own advertising video and clearly demonstrate the effect of your products!

Aura-Mastery für alle
Aura-Master for all

Use the possibilities of the Inneractive Aura-System for your own development. Observe your aura regularly and learn to master your inner energies and thereby also your outer reality. Increased quality of life, more success, health and happiness are the result.


Free support (installation, care) as well as a free introduction into the aura work with AVS7 (approx. 4 hours) for your optimal start!!!

In addition, you have the possibility to attend regular training seminars
to visit with the knowledge and experience of over 20 years of aura work!

Current prices on request!


Free presentations of the different aura systems are available either in our enchanting Blueberry Forest or online!

II would like to arrange an individual presentation

More about the Aura-Seminar

Detailed info folder AVS 5.1 (pdf 770kb)

Info-Kit AVS7 (pdf 1.900kb)

Sample aura-expression (pdf 159kb)


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