Coloid Carbon (C) 500ml

99,90 € incl. 19 % Basket VAT

Colloid in aqueous solution, 200 ppm, double distillate Ingredients: 99,999% pure carbon in water

Art no.: KolloC500


Colloidal Ionic Carbon (C) 500ml

Colloidal carbon is the basic building block of every animal and plant organism. A key advantage of colloidal carbon over glucose is its insulin-independent uptake into the cell. Carbon in a colloidal form is therefore insulin-saving and protects the pancreas.
If the intracellular glucose concentration drops due to age or illness (e.g. due to insufficient function of the insulin receptor or insufficient circulation in the central nervous system), glucose can be formed from the colloidal carbon, which is absorbed independently of the insulin, and the reduced metabolism (energy and building metabolism) can be normalized again.
Carbon is a vital source for the production of cellular energy, is an optimal feed for the mitochondria, and is also required for the maintenance or repair of cellular structures.
Since amino acids are formed from it, carbon also has a detoxifying effect by utilizing toxic ammonia or ammonium ions and thus disposing of them. This is another special feature of this simple sugar: vital amino acids are saved through new formation.
Colloidal carbon is essential for the maintenance of important cell functions and their relationships with neighboring cells. When it works on the cells of the central nervous system, it supports concentration, attention behavior, long-term and short-term memory.


for optimal absorption of colloidal carbon: The above effect can be achieved by taking 1 TL twice a day with a glass of water at mealtimes. The intake period should be at least 10 weeks. As with all other colloids: try it yourself, not every body reacts the same. The spoon used should be made of plastic or wood (no metal!).



500ml bottle 200ppm
Technological production from pure carbon
EUR 99,90
Ready for shipment in 2 - 3 days


Resellers welcome (with trade licence or practice certificate)

For a personal consultation please call 09434 3029 (Mon-Fri, 10-17 hrs).


Legal notice: Essences and oscillating agents are food within the meaning of Art. 2 of Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 and have no direct effect on the body or psyche proven according to classical scientific standards. All statements refer exclusively to energetic aspects like aura, meridians, chakras, etc.