Winter Feel Good Set - ADVANTAGE PRICE!

199,00 € incl. 19 % Basket VAT

1. colloidal SILVER (AG) 200ml, 50 ppm, double distillate 2. Colloidal ZINK (ZN) 200ml, 50 ppm, double distillate 3. Monoatomic ZIRCON (ZR) 100ml, 50 ppm, double distillate.

Art no.: WWS


The Winter Feel Good Set

1. colloidal SILVER: The natural anti-biotic!
2. colloidal ZINC: The natural immune booster!
3. monoatomic ZIRCON: The natural mood booster!

The Winter Feel Good Set is specially designed for the cold and dark season and helps you to strengthen your immune system in a natural way, to free yourself from possible infections without side effects and to provide your psyche with the necessary amount of 'light energy' and lightness.

Here you can find out more about how the individual products work:

1. Colloidal Silver 200ml

2. Colloidal Zinc 200ml

3. Monoatomic Zircon 100ml



1. 2x daily 10 drops of Monoatomic ZIRCON (in the morning & evening).
2. 1x daily 1 tsp. Colloidal ZINK with a glass of water (at noon)
3. 1x daily 1 tsp. Colloidal SILVER (2x in case of acute infections) with a glass of water

The spoon used should be made of plastic or wood (no metal!).


1. colloidal silver 200ml bottle 50 ppm
2. colloidal zinc 200ml bottle 50 ppm
3. monoatomic zircon 100ml bottle 50 ppm

SET-Price only EUR 199,00
Ready for dispatch in 2 - 3 days


Resellers welcome (with trade licence or practice certificate)

For a personal consultation please call 09434 3029 (Mon-Fri, 10-16 hrs).


Legal notice: Essences and oscillating agents are food within the meaning of Art. 2 of Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 and have no direct effect on the body or psyche proven according to classical scientific standards. All statements refer exclusively to energetic aspects like aura, meridians, chakras, etc.